Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 1- Travel Day/Introduction- A blog?

Never thought I'd write a blog, and be a "blogger".  But today I realized that writing down thoughts by hand is only good for myself- what if an idea/thought/feeling I had helped someone out?  How would they see that if I wrote it on a piece of paper?  I'm going to try to write at least something each day while I'm down in Osceola, FL as a student in the Jim Evans Academy of Professional Umpiring to keep freinds an family (who have been amazingly supportive) in the loop.  It's also nice to have a little bit of time to BREATHE and reflect- I haven't had any of that for a while.

As an introduction, I'd like to let folks know that umpiring has been a passion of mine since I was 15 years old when my dad made me umpire games for his tournaments (which were 100% fundraisers for both my and my brothers baseball and basketball teams).  I learned quickly that I enjoyed being in charge of the game, making important decisions, being fair and honest, and being on the field every chance I could get.  Umpiring became a seriuos hobby for me in high school and college--it also became my most common source of income.  Since I graduated Westmont College, God has seemed to bless me is so many ways in umpiring in particular.  I was able to join the Channel Coast League 4 meetings late by being in contact with the right person.  I was fortunate enough to have an extremely knowledgable, respactable, and thoughtful umpire take me under his wing as his "Mentee".  It has been such a blessing to learn the nuances of not only baseball, but people, attitude, composure, and intellect from a Vietnam Veteran who is able to take control of a baseball game.  The two of us has also been fortunate enough to umpire collegiate games this fall for Santa Barbara City College and my alma matter, Westmont College.  For me- this was special.  I just graduated 2 years ago, was under-qualified as an umpire, but both coaches were willing to let me hone my skills during their fall schedule before heading off the Academy.

Coming to Professional Umpire School has been something I've wanted to do for about 3 years now.  If it wasn't for my dad letting me know I would be 100% cut-off financially if I dropped out of college to join, I would have been here 3 years ago (I would had to take out some SERIOUS loans).  Thanks to pops, I stayed in school and earned my Bachelor's Degree.  I thank my father for that countless times each month- he is an absolute hero of mine.  He taught me that there is no one in the world who can take my degree away from me - and I have already begun reaping the benefits of a promising degree from an exceptional college. 

I've come to school this month with one goal- to make the Honors Graduate Group - the top 20 umpires in the Academy.  What is difficult is that I have a few great things going for me back in Santa Barbara (job, amazing girlfriend, beach views from house, and could go on and on..).  The goal is to give 100% effort here, make the cut, and then make the decision- do I pursue my passion and current hobby, or do I keep it as a hobby, but continuously improve my skills?  All I can do is work hard and pray.  God has a plan for me, I just need to make sure to open my eyes and be thankful for each day.
Today was travel day- getting aquainted with a few fellow umpires, instructors, and the town and checking in.  Tomorrow will be much of the same with the Introduction Meeting at 6:00 PM. 

Today's Bible reading was insipiring (as always)- here are a few lessons I learned today from the Good Book:
  • When two or three come together in His name, He is always there.
  • Forgive your brother 77 times, just as He has forgiven us
  • It is nearly impossible for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God
  • If you believe, you will recieve whatever you ask for in prayer.

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